Sunday, August 7, 2011

Musings on Oblivion and Skyrim

Lately, I've been disgustingly obsessed with playing Oblivion. The upcoming release of Skyrim and my purchase of Oblivion are feeding on each other to create the effect of obsession, a sore neck, and a dead-eyed stare that comes from 7+ hours of gameplay. After my Agent character disappointed me, I went back and made another character, a custom-class "Mercenary" who is essentially a Spellsword, but awesomer. Playing as an Agent just made my attacks far too weak for me to even dare quest in any dungeons; therefore, no money; therefore, no better equipment; therefore, difficulty. Life is hard for a petty thief in Cyrodiil. Seven, my Mercenary, is a questing machine, well-equipped for her level in Steel armor and with a handy habit of finding good loot. <3

Next on the agenda: get a mage character going so that she can be a badass awesome of badassery. (And, since I have discovered the joys of mods, she can be a Mystic Elf. Funny how I never knew Ren got his start in Elder Scrolls rather than Sims.) After I make a mage, I'll have the bases covered: Rogue, Warrior, Mage.

Oblivion, of course, reminds me of Skyrim, since nowadays staring at photos and watching videos about it is all I do besides cut off goblin heads at Odiil farm. One thing that's been bugging me about Skyrim is the promo photos. I feel like Bethesda is being a bit of a pimp at the moment. All of the promo photos are dragons and muscly heroes kicking dragon ass. Except the one on the left. Judging by her surroundings, a shopkeeper.

"Guess what?" this photo says. "We've finally got hot women! In addition to cool armor and dragons, we've got hot women! Come'n get'em! Knock 'em out and steal their clothes! We know you pervs exist, and dude, we cater to you."

Bethesda? Equals pimp. Or, at least, if one judges solely from Skyrim promo pics. If they were an equal opportunity pimp, I would be willing to say, okay, sure. Objectification, but equal across sexes. But dude? Where's my pretty elven man? (I prefer Dunmers, thank you, though Orcs are strangely appealing....) All men appearing in the promo pics are obviously representing the character the gamer will be playing. Standing in as a representative for the straight female population here, I ask you, where's my freaking eyecandy shopkeep?

Dear Bethesda,

If you must objectify, objectify both women and men. Please and thank you.

With great respect, if somewhat disappointed,
Me, grrl gamer.

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