Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Elder Scrolls Online and Dragon Age III

2013 is looking like it's going to be a veritable bounty of good games. With both Dragon Age III and Elder Scrolls Online coming up, I can tell that I'm going to be busy.

New screenshots were released recently for Elder Scrolls. I'm particularly looking forward to the river of lava.

Meanwhile, over in Dragon Age III land, Bioware released some more information and some heavily Skyrim-inspired concept art.

Well, hey, if it's even vaguely like Skyrim, I know I'll be pleased. There were rumors that Dragon Age III is going to be more open world, and I know that the developers are a little Skyrim obsessed. Which is okay in my book. Mark Darrah, Dragon Age III's Executive Producer, said that there will be a "more expansive world, better visuals, more reactivity to player choices, and more customization. At PAX East, we talked about armor and followers… Yeah, that kind of customization."

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing to think that the Elder Scrolls is almost 20 years old and is one of the most successful franchises with more than 25 million games sold in that time.
