Have a rate of a little more than one dragon attack per hour of gameplay so far. Just got two within a couple minutes of one another, one of them an Elder Dragon and the other named (Vuljotnaak). I also learned how easy it is to take on a Forsworn camp when you have six companions with you, once you include Meeko and my horse.
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Why, hello, fellow Companions? Want to join my party of six excluding me? |
The Sky Haven Temple is absolutely stunning, and the bas-reliefs are just beautiful. Going to have to take some time considering who to give to the Blades. I'm considering Aela, but I don't think she's Imperalist enough. Though she might support an Empress if the Empress just so happened to be Dragonborn.
After a bit, I fast traveled over to High Hrothgar, nearly punched those apathetic jerks in the throat, and then moved on with a few more shouts to meet Paarthurnax.
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No, I wasn't terrified out of my mind about the dragon an inch away from my head. Why do you ask? |
After that, I finished up Throat of the World and went to Windstad Manor so that I could drop off some things before heading to Solstheim. A courier met met me there to tell me about the alchemist in Windhelm needing more help with his phial, but that sumbitch can live with his pain for a while because I'm done with this-- one more stop in Markarth, then I'm heading to Windhelm to catch me a boat!
-- 119 hours in
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