Saturday, October 1, 2011

Gaming on the Cheap: Episode 2 in the Crappy Computer Saga

It requires some effort to come to terms with one's own lack of money. When one factors in the current economy, the lack of jobs and rich parents, and student loans, one is faced with problems. But one can prevail if one tries. (One, in case you're not getting this, is me. Hi!)

So here comes The Plan. The Plan is important. It has capital letters. Hopefully, it will make me money.

Over the following week, I will launch an Etsy shop. It will include geekery and awesomeness, and perhaps a little bit of Steampunk. And someday soon, I hope, I will be able to afford my new computer.

In the mean time, I need to learn to game on the cheap. I am putting a lock on all expenditures that are not gas and accumulating what I can from my paychecks. (Skyrim is already preordered, thank gawd.) I think that a new graphics card will probably bandage the gaping wound that is my computer, since by using Can You Run It? I learned that my computer can decently run things like Witcher 2 and Fable III... if not for the graphics card.

Can You Run It? is a valuable tool when trying to figure out what needs to happen to extend the life of your computer. It also helps if you don't know if your computer will run certain games, so provided that you aren't preordering, you'll know before you spend the money. Note that Can You Run It? is not always correct. For example, it says that I fail for Dragon Age: Origins, when in fact I can run DAO on High at a high resolution. So let it advise you, but take what it says with a grain of salt.

When I'm able to do the upgrading, I'll post about it, how to select a graphics card compatible with your computer, etc.

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