Thursday, September 5, 2013

[FFXIV] Server Update!

Today was the first day I was able the play since my last post. The servers were updated overnight, and the update is the most beautiful thing that has ever happened. Every time I log on, I get to go straight to my server-- I don't even have to deal with a queue! While trying to get a screenshot to properly express my joy, I had to look away for a second to see if I could find the hotkey I wanted to make the camera face my newly leveled character. In the meantime, it started storming. With realistic clouds, thunder, lightning, the whole shebang. Probably just as awesome as the weather was the chat's reaction to it: "Are you guys seeing this?" and endless iterations of how great it was, as well as the Lancer comment as in the chat of the screenshot. Goblin is full of some pretty great players, overall, and despite the occasional spammer or twelve-year-old boy style dirty joke (which, I admittedly, laughed at like I was also a twelve-year-old boy), everyone is just there to have fun.

As an update on FATEs, I think I've mastered the tab-targeting now that I know roughly what I should be doing in a FATE, and am getting a really good amount of XP since I can deal enough damage now to get a good 2000 XP or so each time around. Unfortunately, though, I am too high a level for most of the FATEs I stumble into, so it's time to move on to a new area of the Shroud.

Level 13 now, with only another two levels to go until the world opens up even more. I now have access to Guildleves, Inns, and the Recommended list.

Guildleves are essentially just new quests you can be assigned to now that the main quest has progressed past a certain level (10). There is a selection based on the character's class, level, and skills, and can gain access to restricted areas with a pass that's given for taking part in the quest. There are leves for battle, crafting, and gathering, so don't think only the battle classes can take part. Inns will give you a rested bonus, which will boost your XP earned, and the Recommended list pops up in the main menu, and lets the player know the available quests around them so they don't have to search it out. Two more levels will open up the airships and let me travel to new city-states. The chocobo porter is available at level 10, but only at level 22 will I be able to get my own chocobo mount. A chocobo porter is similar to how chocobos worked in... FFIII, I believe? Essentially, the player can rent a chocobo from a stable. The chocobo will only bring you to the one place, and if you dismount, it will run away. (In FFIII, the player would ride a chocobo from a ChocoboWood, anywhere, but only for a limited amount of time, and if you dismounted, it would run away.)

So far, the one thing I'm wishing is that there were more styles and kinds of armor for my class, but I believe that branches out as I go forward. I'm going to test out one of the other classes, probably Leatherworking and Conjuring, since both of those are in Gridania, and then get back to any readers I have about how that works!

Peace! <3 Ivi'lea'hi Rhiki, Goblin, Level 13.

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